
Multiple waves can be in the same position at the same time. Unlike particles, waves pass through each other without interacting.

wave speed =

When two waves are in the same position we say they are in superposition. The observed amplitude for waves in superposition is the sum of each wave's amplitude.

Ears are able to detect separate sound frequencies, even though they enter the ear in a superposition. This spectrogram lets you visualize the frequencies that make up various sounds.

The Wedge is a famous surf spot that has some dangerously fun waves because of interference from waves reflected off a jetty.

Question: A wave is created on each side of a rope with an amplitude of 0.3 m. The waves interfere as they pass through each other.

What is the amplitude of the rope when a crest lines up with a crest?
What is the amplitude of the rope when a crest lines up with a trough?

Two crests add constructively to make a larger amplitude.

$$ 0.3\, \mathrm{m} + 0.3\, \mathrm{m} = 0.6\, \mathrm{m}$$

A crest and trough add destructively to cancel out.

$$ 0.3\, \mathrm{m} - 0.3\, \mathrm{m} = 0\, \mathrm{m}$$

Waves add constructively when both wave amplitudes are positive or both are negative. This produces a higher observed amplitude. Constructive interference is how two speakers playing the same song are louder than just one.

Example: Draw the superposition of these waves. They have the same wavelength, so they only add constructively.

Waves add destructively when one wave amplitude is positive and the other is negative. This produces a lower observed amplitude. Two examples of destructive interference are noise cancelling headphones and the bulbous bow of boats.

Example: Draw the superposition of these waves. They have the same wavelength but they are out of phase with each other. They can only add destructively.

Example: Draw the superposition of these waves.

Adding many sine waves together can produce some interesting waveforms. These waves are starting to look like sawtooth and triangle, but they need more contributing sine waves.

Interference is even more complex and interesting in higher dimensions.

Take a look at these 2-D ripple tank simulations:
Dipole source: Two wave sources interfere.
Intersecting Planes: Two wave planes interfere at 90°.
Beats: Two wave sources with slightly different frequencies.

Click to see the waveform recorded by your microphone.
Click to see the spectrum of frequencies recorded by your microphone.

The Sound of Music

Part of what makes music sound good depends on the background of the listener. Not everyone likes the same music, but some parts of music are universal. Western classical music is organized around 12 notes called the chromatic scale. Each note represents a specific frequency. In superposition the frequencies of these notes can form ratios that fit together nicely.

Music theory explores how to craft groups and sequences of notes. It's interesting that you can evoke emotions by adjusting the ratio between note frequencies.

For example, the major scale is a collection of 7 notes that can sound bright and stable together partly because they have a simple ratio between frequencies. Minor chords are collections of notes that might feel sad or tense partly because of the complex ratio between frequencies.

At my school we play the note F5 over the loud speakers to announce the start and end of class. Historically, many bell systems used F5 because it has a high frequency that is easy to hear over background noise.

Example: If I wanted to trick my students into thinking class was over what frequency would I play?
chromatic scale frequencies
scientific pitch frequency (Hz)
C8 Eighth octave 4186.009
B7 3951.066
A♯7/B♭7 3729.31
A7 3520
G♯7/A♭7 3322.438
G7 3135.963
F♯7/G♭7 2959.955
F7 2793.826
E7 2637.02
D♯7/E♭7 2489.016
D7 2349.318
C♯7/D♭7 2217.461
C7 Double high C 2093.005
B6 1975.533
A♯6/B♭6 1864.655
A6 1760
G♯6/A♭6 1661.219
G6 1567.982
F♯6/G♭6 1479.978
F6 1396.913
E6 1318.51
D♯6/E♭6 1244.508
D6 1174.659
C♯6/D♭6 1108.731
C6 Soprano C (High C) 1046.502
B5 987.7666
A♯5/B♭5 932.3275
A5 880
G♯5/A♭5 830.6094
G5 783.9909
F♯5/G♭5 739.9888
F5 698.4565
E5 659.2551
D♯5/E♭5 622.254
D5 587.3295
C♯5/D♭5 554.3653
C5 Tenor C 523.2511
B4 493.8833
A♯4/B♭4 466.1638
A4 440
G♯4/A♭4 415.3047
G4 391.9954
F♯4/G♭4 369.9944
F4 349.2282
E4 329.6276
D♯4/E♭4 311.127
D4 293.6648
C♯4/D♭4 277.1826
C4 Middle C 261.6256
B3 246.9417
A♯3/B♭3 233.0819
A3 220
G♯3/A♭3 207.6523
G3 195.9977
F♯3/G♭3 184.9972
F3 174.6141
E3 164.8138
D♯3/E♭3 155.5635
D3 146.8324
C♯3/D♭3 138.5913
C3 130.8128
B2 123.4708
A♯2/B♭2 116.5409
A2 110
G♯2/A♭2 103.8262
G2 97.99886
F♯2/G♭2 92.49861
F2 87.30706
E2 82.40689
D♯2/E♭2 77.78175
D2 73.41619
C♯2/D♭2 69.29566
C2 Deep C 65.40639
B1 61.73541
A♯1/B♭1 58.27047
A1 55
G♯1/A♭1 51.91309
G1 48.99943
F♯1/G♭1 46.2493
F1 43.65353
E1 41.20344
D♯1/E♭1 38.89087
D1 36.7081
C♯1/D♭1 34.64783
C1 Pedal C 32.7032
B0 30.86771
A♯0/B♭0 29.13524
A0 27.5
solution The note F5 has a frequency of 698.4565 Hz.
Question: Guess which of these combinations of sound waves will sound better to your ears?

The first pair of frequencies has a harmonious 1:2 ratio.

I don't hate the second combination, but it does have a slight sour, tense, or sad sound to me. Of course, good music might find a place for that feeling.

Example: Draw the superposition of these waves. When waves have similar frequencies they produce a pattern called beats.

You can decide if you hate the beats sound by clicking

frequency =
     volume =

frequency =
     volume =
   analyser =

The pattern in the graph above is sent as an electrical wave into your speakers. In the speaker, magnets convert the electrical wave into vibrations. The vibrations spread through the air as an audible wave of pressure.


Waves tend to spread out in every direction possible within their medium. Diffraction is when a wave spreads out after some of the wave hits a barrier. This explains how sound can be heard around a corner even when there is no direct path.

Diffraction can be explained by thinking of every point on a wavefront as the source of spherical waves. These spherical waves interfere with each other to produce different patterns.

You can see examples of diffraction in these 2-D ripple tank simulations:

Single Slit: Waves spread out in a circle as they pass through a gap.
Double Slit: Notice the pattern of constructive and destructive interference.
Half Plane: Waves curve around a wall.
Obstacle: Waves of the right wavelength can almost ignore a small barrier.

Example: Draw the pattern of the waves that would pass through the gap as the waves propagate to the right.
Example: Draw the pattern of the waves that would pass through the gap as the waves propagate to the right.

This is the famous quantum mechanical double slit experiment.
Notice the alternating constructive and destructive interference pattern.

gap separation =

The Doppler Effect

The Doppler effect is heard when a source of sound moves past an observer as a "vvvVVVRRROOOMMMmmm". The observed sound drops in frequency very quickly as the source zooms past.

Moving towards a wave source
  • frequency seems higher
  • wavelength seems shorter
  • Moving away from a wave source
  • frequency seems lower
  • wavelength seems longer
  • A sonic boom occurs when the source of sound is moving at the speed of sound. Can you produce a sonic boom in the simulation above?

    Light can also be Doppler shifted, but it is harder to notice because light moves so fast. A light source near the speed of light will noticeably shift in color.

    The convention is to say that light is blueshifted as it moves towards you and redshifted as it moves away.

    Astronomers use this color shifting to calculate the relative motion of far away objects. In 1929 Edwin Hubble published the observation that almost all galaxies are redshifted. This was the initial evidence that the universe is expanding.

    Redshifted light from stars expanding away from us is actually the main reason why the sky is dark at night.

    The Doppler effect is used in laser cooling to produce temperatures near absolute zero.

    Radar guns use the Doppler effect to measure relative speed. They bounce radio waves off moving objects to measure the frequency shift of the reflected waves. The frequency shift indicates the relative speed.

    Question: Imagine you are driving towards a cop with a radar gun. How will your motion affect how they see your reflected radio waves?

    The cop will observe your light at a higher frequency and a shorter wavelength.

    Question: If you looked in a telescope and saw an extra red star what might be the cause?

    Star color is complex and could be caused by several different things.

  • The star could be moving away from you and the doppler shift could be making it more red.
  • It's also possible the star is in the red giant phase of its stellar life cycle
  • Maybe it's a brown dwarf.
  • Maybe there is some gas or dust between you and the star scattering some of the blue light.
  • An astronomer might use spectroscopy to figure out what's going on.


    Rigid solids oscillate. They move back and forth at a consistent rhythm. Springs, bridges, buildings, wine glasses, and musical instruments all oscillate. We also see oscillation in lasers, atoms, electric circuits, orbits, swing sets, and pendulums.

    Systems that oscillate have a natural frequency for their vibrations determined by properties like density, length, and rigidity. This is the frequency they most easily oscillate at.

    An applied force that matches the natural frequency produce unusually high amplitude oscillations. This applied force is said to be resonant with the natural frequency of the system. This means the force pushes left as the system moves left, and right as the system moves right. It doesn't fight the natural motion of the system.

    length =

    frequency = Hz

    Simulation: Adjust the frequency of the force on the pendulum to find a resonant frequency. (use the default length)

    A frequency around 0.5 Hz has a good resonance.

    Simulation: Adjust the length of the pendulum. How does the length affect the resonant frequency?

    A shorter length has a higher resonant frequency and a longer period.
    A longer length has a lower resonant frequency and a shorter period.

    The period of a pendulum can be calculated with this equation.

    Standing Waves

    A standing wave is a wave that oscillates in time, but does not move through space. Standing waves occur in most musical instruments in the form of vibrating strings or columns of air. You can produce a standing wave if you shake a string at just the right frequency while someone else holds the other end still.

    Standing waves occur when two waves moving in opposite directions interfere with each other. This often occurs with reflected waves in a cavity, like a pipe. You can see a standing wave clearly in a Rubens' Tube.

    The trick to a standing wave is that they only work at specific wavelengths in a medium with a reflective boundary. At most wavelengths the reflected waves interfere with themselves destructively to produce a superposition of nearly zero. It's like adding hundreds of random numbers between -1 and 1. Most of the time all the numbers cancel out and produce a result close to zero.

    But, when a wavelength fits evenly into a closed region the reflected waves align. The superposition of all the reflected waves then produces alternating constructive and destructive interference patterns, a standing wave. This is another example of resonance.

    This simulation calculates 64 reflections in a bounded region. Red waves are moving left. Blue waves are moving right. The black wave is the superposition of the reflections.

    1.0 m
    wavelength = m

    Simulation: for wavelengths that resonate to produce standing waves. The red and blue waves will align and the black wave will get much higher when you find a resonance.

    Extra Credit: Can you figure out an equation that produces those results?
    Use λ for the resonate wavelengths
    L for the length of the region
    n for any positive integer [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]

    Standing wave resonance in a bounded region occurs when the wavelength is even multiples of twice the length of the region.

    $$2L = n \lambda $$ $$n = 1,2,3,4,5 \, \dots $$ \( \lambda \) = resonance wavelengths [m]
    \( L \) = length of bounded region [m]
    \( n \) = positive integers

    The locations where the amplitude stays at zero are called nodes. Some of them are marked in the diagram above with a ⚫. The locations between the nodes with the maximum amplitude are called anti-nodes.

    Question: Count the nodes and anti-nodes in the bottom standing wave.

    There are 8 nodes if you count the edges.

    There are 7 anti-nodes.